Wednesday, September 28, 2016

 Spinning With Penny
Denise Bolds, MSW CD(DONA) September 27, 2016

I am a DONA Certified Birth Doula. For years I've come across the prolific works of Penny Simkin and I decided I wanted to meet her. I was completely starstruck meeting Penny at the Spinning Babies 2016 Confluence where she presented. I made a point to stay with Penny for an entire day just to hear her speak and be in her company. I was very fortunate to meet Penny one-on-one the night before; I was introduced to her by Lorenza Holtz. At first Penny was polite, shaking my hand and greeting me, allowing me to gush like the fan. Once I got over that moment I proceeded to tell her my hopes and dreams as an African American doula certified by DONA. Penny and I retreated into a corner with glasses in hand and spoke for long time making eye contact and sharing smiles and even a pat or two on my back. Penny became my doula.

I was able to tell Penny my hopes and dreams for birth workers of color in the institution of DONA International; I told Penny of my passion in promoting the awareness of black maternal health disparities and birth injustice. I told her about the need for diversity and for comprehensive awareness in the community from the churches to the politicians as I believe the work that we all do impacts future generations. Penny agreed with me wholeheartedly standing quietly with me as the tsunami of all my hopes and dreams for birth came forward. She gave me sage advice and kept it real. She did acknowledge the fact that there is a lack of diversity, and change is slowly coming forward. We exchanged contact information and I was invited to come to the Simkin Institute.

The next day I listen to Penny facilitate over four workshops consecutively. I spent the entire day just listening to her speak. Penny is quick to make fun of herself, she's very observant of what goes on in the birth room and if you listen closely you will find out she started in this field quite by accident. Penny is a physical therapist by trade but looking for extra work with four small children, she was asked to teach childbirth education classes. Penny had no idea what she was about to embark upon: over 30 years of books, YouTube videos, workshops, presentations, and of course being one of the founders of DONA International. All of this from a woman working as a physical therapist, a wife with four small children. In Penny’s generation, women didn't work. Penny didn't just work. She was on her grind, in the zone and becoming a brand before we knew what a brand was.

With blue eyes that twinkle and a sharp mind, Penny is all about evidence and data. She loves to read, she's a sponge for knowledge and wisdom anywhere she comes upon it. Penny has traveled across the globe talking about birth and witnessing it's clinical evolution; she’s quick to include the human aspect of birth in her work. Her presentations are easy to digest and for a seasoned birth worker, it’s common knowledge; it’s awesome to hear Penny say it what you are already doing and seeing. It’s like a birth high five.

Before Penny flew back home, I was able to thank her for listening to my dreams and allowing me to be a fan. She gave me high compliments and several nice hugs. We goofed and took some really fun selfies because believe it or not, Penny has an awesome sense of humor. She's a penny for your thoughts when it comes to birth and your place in it, she's that shiny penny you find at a birth giving you faith to keep going forward. She's that lucky penny to carry into a birth with you always because you will never forget her. 

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