Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Spinning Babies

Spinning Babies
Denise Bolds MSW, CD(DONA) September 21, 2016

One of the first things I heard about as a doula is Spinning Babies. I really didn't get it at first, until I started supporting births. What I've witnessed as a doula supporting births are women facing challenges in their labor that is the result of fetal alignment in birth. How simple is that? It's very simple and it's a part of our daily lives; why isn't Spinning Babies part of mainstream support when it comes to child birth?

We have chiropractors who help us keep our spine an alignment, we get the wheels on our cars properly aligned so it will drive better, the earth is rotating on a planetary alignment; alignment of the fetus in birth is just as important. We know what it feels like  not to be in proper alignment with our bodies and our environment; the same applies to a baby being in alignment for birth. Fetal alignment reduces back labor, the need for interventions during labor, the need for C-section, babies flip to the head down position moving away from breech/transverse births; better birth outcomes occur with Spinning Babies!

Historically, medicine science relies on anatomy.  Anatomy was first learned on cadavers illustrated by scientists who were also artists. These illustrations were primarily done in the supine or prone position; today women who are in labor are commonly commanded to lie on their backs and birth. This is a very unnatural position when considering the anatomy of the spine and the curvatures of the pelvis.

Spinning babies is more than an education, it is a movement (pun intended). Founded and facilitated by certified midwife Gail Tully with over 30 years of experience, Gail not only knows about birth; she also knows pelvic anatomy and the importance of fetal alignment in birth. Gail travels all over the world sharing this empowering knowledge and techniques of alignment for birth. Using simple positions and stretches, the woman in labor can align her baby for birth, working with her body, her baby and gravity.

Spinning Babies; necessary education beneficial for obstetricians, midwives, nurses, doulas and the pregnant woman. The knowledge of spinning babies reduces labor time, decreases costs, interventions and stress in birth. Knowing the anatomy of birth is just as powerful as supporting the birth. Are you in the Spin? September 21, 2016 begins the Spinning Babies International Confluence in Minneapolis until September 25, 2016. Speakers from all over the world are together sharing knowledge on the importance of anatomy, alignment and birth.

The link to Spinning Babies 2016 Confluence: Cant be there in person? attend virtually and earn CE’s from your living room:  As a birth doula, Spinning Babies is necessary knowledge for me in supporting my clients births. Get in the Spin! Host a Spinning Babies training in your community! Sign up for the newsletter and be in the Spin!

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