Thursday, April 20, 2017

The Angry White Woman

The Angry White Woman
Denise Bolds, MSW
April 20, 2017

Move Rosa Parks, in fact, get up out of that seat. The seat: the ‘Angry Black Woman seat.  Mother’s of The Mayflower sink the ship in protest. June Cleaver, Wilma Flintstone and Lucy Ricardo poison the pot roast, while Carol Brady locks Mike Brady out of the bedroom. Saturday Night Live is the news. White women in America are angry, I can see why. If I were a white woman in America today, I’d be pretty pissed too.

Currently, this is an amplification of Women’s Rights, historically hitched onto Civil Rights. With the recent election of the 45th President of the United States of America, white women have a new four-letter word: foul. It wasn't enough that Presidential Candidate Hillary Rodham Clinton had her presidency snatched on national television like a weave… that’s nothing compared to what’s going on…

White women in America are pissed; having to wear funny little uterus hats branding their contributions reminding America of their value. Ellen Degeneres is out and hosting a very successful talk show; there are more female directors making movies in Hollywood and equal pay made it to the White House. So why are white women angry?

For starters, male politicians can’t keep their fingers out of women’s vaginas. Every year, every election Planned Parenthood is the target of threats of funding cuts; birth-control pills are still not covered by many health insurances; but Viagra is. Women are still being abused in domestic violence; the 45th President signed off on a policy allowing individual states to have their own laws on domestic violence. White women are still facing traumatic birth outcomes and are still wrangling maternal health from the male-dominated medial profession as Cesarean Sections increase. There is still shame directed at women for breastfeeding in public. Recently, a white senator was quoted saying women are ‘milking maternity leave and benefits.’ He’s never dilated his penis to 10 centimeters and giving birth.

The white man has completely forgotten where he came from, the white woman’s womb, fed from her white breasts, or historically, breasts of  black female slaves. The question now resonates through many minds of the current leadership of America: “Is this the best of white America?” Time to drain that petri dish in the in-vitro lab. Time to think about the outcome before having sex with the really cute first cousin…

Hillary Rodham Clinton’s presidential run; was riddled with bullying, false propaganda, and blatant turn-a-blind-eye on actions Mrs.Clinton was persecuted for, while her male counterparts currently in the White House are not. Clinton’s republican opponent threatened her, called her a liar and the American people went right along with his menacing antics. It’s a sad country when a white female with over 30 years of political service is passed over for presidency by a white man with multiple wives, bankruptcies and a petulance for ‘grabbing pussy.’ Mrs. Clinton possesses a JD in law, served as a Senator (NY), Secretary of State (USA) and was First Wife; America instead chose a man with no law experience, hasn't paid his taxes in twenty years, and has made the most disgusting statements against the disabled, veterans and immigrants in a political campaign. Ever. Let’s not forget his weekly trips to Mar-A-Largo for golf at the cost of millions of American tax dollars. Is America that against having a white woman as President?

Melania Trump was a ‘model’ before becoming wife #3. Her photographs are more pin-up pornography than marketing. Not only did she plagiarize FLOTUS Michelle Obama’s speech, she stole Jackie Kennedy’s style of dressing for the inauguration. Her husband, the new president elect left her at the bottom of the stairs as he zipped up to greet former President Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama for all the world to see, post inauguration. What an image: newly elected president at the top of the stairs with the former President and First Lady looking down at the white woman at the foot of the stairs. Oh yeah, white women are angry. 

The current elected 45th president has appointed two white women as part of his cabinet: Secretary of Education, Betsy DeVos and Kellyanne Conway, Counselor to the President. Both women are the ‘epitome’ of white women: one believes guns should be in schools to kill any bears in them; the other likes to straddle couches in the Oval Office, complete with her legs spread in a room full of men. Was this business or prelude to a lap dance? America has seen some of the most intelligent white women in politics and business, yet the presidential cabinet choses the complete opposite; ignorant and incompetent, not to mention poor fashion sense. Yep white women, try explaining this to your daughters… Luckily, the media has given the world a break on airing anything from DeVos and Conway; everyone is too busy watching the current presidency remix of ‘Dumb and Dumber’.

I could go on, but there’s just too much, I am a black woman, I just relinquished my anger for a new emotion, intention. White women, you should be angry; little white girls and teens growing up under this presidency see white women ‘role models’ of nude photos, lack of education with blatant ignorance is what it takes for a white woman to get into the White House. Forget modesty and decorum, forget the ‘Feminine Mystique’, forget good breeding, forget going to college and obtaining higher education. White women tried and failed at being snarky. America laughed at the buffoonery of Sarah Palin only to now realize it was a foreshadowing of what was to come…

White women, your white men left you at the bottom of the stairs; The Statue of Liberty takes one for the team for the last time; Rosie the Riveter is off having plastic surgery in the Dominican Republic. White woman, you are now sitting in the ‘angry seat’ black women were given for over a hundred years. What explanation do you have to offer your daughters or yourselves? It will be interesting to see white women at the next level: Sick and tired of being sick and tired…  

It’s clearly obvious, America doesn't want Betsy Ross, instead America chooses Ginger from Gilligan’s Island; dumb and hyper sexualized. Yeah, if I were a while woman in America, I’d be pretty pissed too. Here white woman, take my seat. I’m going to go and meditate… Hell hath no fury like a white woman’s scorn. Now, close your eyes and picture the little girl facing the mammoth Bull of Wall Street…

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